Time Slot Definition Dictionary


Define time slot by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary.

‘In its original weekday time slot, the show became an enormous cult hit.’ ‘I guarantee everyone will keep the time slot they had at the end of last year.’ ‘Getting solo acoustic performers ready three to five minutes before their time slot doesn't need to be a headache, even if they have limited stage experience.’. Slot /slɒtslɑːt/ noun countable 1 a short period of time allowed for one particular event in a series of other similar events At one time, the airline held 38% of the available take-off and landing slots at Heathrow Airport. There’s a repeat of the daytime show in thelate-night slot. 2 American English. Define Time Division Multiplexing. What time slot would you find a FAS? What is the data rate of an E1 carrier? 2048kbps / 2.048Mbps.

  • A length of time allotted to someone or something, especially in a broadcasting schedule.

    ‘the series aired in what will be its regular Friday 10 p.m. time slot’
    • ‘time slots booked for a particular surgeon’
    • ‘We placed the show in its June time slot to give exhibitors a chance to preview their fall lines to buyers.’
    • ‘Aware of its declining status, he began searching last spring for a new venue and a new time slot for the fair, traditionally held at Navy Pier in early May.’
    • ‘While excited that the critically acclaimed, yet relatively little watched show was given the prime, post-Super Bowl time slot, I actually had little faith that the increased exposure would translate into substantially more viewers.’
    • ‘Now there are DVDs, and I can watch my favorite shows as often as I want, without the interference of networks that see fit to change a show's time slot on a whim.’
    • ‘When we started making it we didn't even know what timeslot it was going to be on and it was a low budget show, so we kind of just made it for us and there weren't really any concessions made.’
    • ‘I never felt that the material was padded just for the sake of filling a time slot.’
    • ‘In its original weekday time slot, the show became an enormous cult hit.’
    • ‘I guarantee everyone will keep the time slot they had at the end of last year.’
    • ‘Getting solo acoustic performers ready three to five minutes before their time slot doesn't need to be a headache, even if they have limited stage experience.’
    • ‘I think that having the earliest time slot of the night didn't help the band.’
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Time slots can be created and then assigned to rules for Device control and Web control. The Time slots setting can be found in Advanced setup > Tools. This lets you define commonly used time slots (e.g. work time, weekend, etc.) and reuse them easily without redefining the time ranges for every rule. Time slot is applicable to any relevant type of rule that supports time-based control.

To create a time slot, complete the following:

1.Click Edit > Add.

Time Slot Definition Dictionary Francais

2.Type the name and description of the time slot and click Add.

Time Slot Definition Dictionary Merriam-webster

3.Specify the day and start/end time for the time slot or select All day.

4.Click OK to confirm.


A single time slot can be defined with one or more time ranges based on days and times. When the time slot is created, it will show in the Apply during drop-down menu in the Device control rules editor window or Web control rules editor window.