Poker Good Luck Quotes

Poker Quotes Following are some of the most famous poker quotes I have found in different books, articles, forums, movies, online, and interviews: “The guy who invented poker was bright, but the guy who invented the chip was a genius.” (Big Julie). Good luck needs no explanation. Shirley Temple Black The champion makes his own luck. Red Blaik 'I've always had confidence, but I never let my ego get to the point that I think I'm the superstar, because I know that ego has destroyed many a poker career.' - Jim Boyd, modern-day road gambler.

We have picked nine of our favorite gambling quotes and listed them below, along with some details about the people that made them and our take on what they mean. These quotes stand out for us as they either contain excellent advice or are great reflections of what gambling is all about.

“Quit while you’re ahead. All the best gamblers do.”

This is a quote from Baltasar Gracián y Morales, a 17th century philosopher. We like it because, several hundred years later, it remains one of the single best pieces of gambling advice. If you can learn to quit when you are ahead, then you have an excellent chance of being a successful gambler.

This is an Irish proverb which highlights one of the biggest mistakes a gambler can make: chasing losses. In the same way that you have to know when to quit when you are ahead, there’s also a time to cut your losses and quit.

“Money won is twice as sweet as money earned.”

For many gamblers, this quote neatly sums why they gamble. It’s not just about the money itself, it’s the joy of winning it. The quote was from the movie The Color of Money, said by the character Fast Eddie Felson – played by Paul Newman.

“I’ve learned the lesson that the worst thing that can happen to a gambler is to let his recent losses or wins knock him off keel emotionally.”

Andrew Beyer highlighted one of the biggest failings of gamblers in this quote: letting emotions cloud judgment. Beyer was an expert on horse racing betting, writing four books on the subject. He also designed the Beyer Speed Figure, a system for rating Thoroughbred racehorses.

The origins of this proverb aren’t entirely clear. It’s a simple statement but entirely true. If a horse you have bet on wins, you’ll always wish you had bet more on it. The premise applies to any form of gambling.

“Once you start thinking you have nothing left to learn, you have everything to learn.”

Really, this quote could apply to life in general. It was actually made in the context of poker, by Steve Badger. Badger owned one of the first, and best, websites dedicated to educating poker players. In this quote he’s pointing out that if you think you know it all you are sadly mistaken.

“Gambling is not about how well you play the games, it’s really about how well you handle your money.”

This is from poker player V. P. Pappy. We could pick a number of quotes from him as he’s made several great ones, but this is probably our favorite in terms of the advice it contains. He is making the excellent point that good money management is absolutely essential to successful gambling.

“At gambling, the deadly sin is to mistake bad play for bad luck.”

This quote is from the James Bond book (and movie) Casino Royale, written by Ian Fleming. It emphasizes a mistake that many gamblers make: blaming bad luck instead of trying to work if they made a bad play or bet.

“There is a very easy way to return from a casino with a small fortune; go there with a large one.”

Something of a tongue in cheek quote this one, from Jack Yelton. He is essentially highlighting the fact that you are likely to lose money playing casino games. He’s right of course; the house does have an edge over the long term.

That doesn’t mean that casino games should be avoided at all costs, as they are great fun and it’s possible to win money if you get lucky. It’s just important to recognize that the odds are ultimately against you.

Top Poker Quotes From The Best Players Around the World

Good Luck Quotes For Kids

If you’re looking for Inspirational Poker Quotes, then you have come to the right place. I’ll share 25 top Poker Quotes from the Best and Professional Poker Players.

Everyone has something to say. And a lot has been spoken about poker. Many think that poker is based on Luck rather than Skill. Many will disagree. Also, many will agree with this. To end this debate, take a look at the Poker Quotes and decide for yourselves whether the Poker is a Game of Skill or Luck.

Some of these quotes are Inspirational. Some are Funny. Some are True Facts about Poker. All in all, these are the top poker quotes spoken by the best.

Doyle Brunson

Stu Ungar

Edward Norton

Good luck quotes and sayings

Chris Moneymaker

Daniel Negreanu

Paul Newman

Michael Gersitz

Jennifer Tilly

Phil Ivey

Antonio Esfandiari

Phil Hellmuth

Al Alvarez

James Woods

Frank DiElsi

Gore Vidal

Lord Dewar

Amarillo Slim

Colson Whitehead

Joe Laurie Jr

Poker Good Luck Quotes For Exams

Jack McClelland

Chip Reese

Mark Pilarski

Jonathan Swift

Mike Caro

Luck Quotes Good Fortune

Poker Good Luck Quotes

Sammy Farha

These were the top 25Poker Quotes from the best poker players around the world. I hope you guys liked it. I hope you guys get inspired from these Quotes.

Remember, Always believe in yourselves no matter what you do. Stay blessed. Have a great day all. 🙂


To finish it off, I’ll share another 10 extra Poker Quotes by the Pros.

  1. “Serious poker is no more about gambling than rock climbing is about taking risks.” ~ Al Alvarez
  2. “In the long run there’s no luck in poker, but the short run is longer than most people know.” ~ Rick Bennet
  3. “Forget about a chip and a chair; give me a hand and I’ll stand.” ~ Warren Karp
  4. “Poker is not simply a game of odds, moves, and calculations. It is a game of controlled and exploited emotions including greed, fear, over-confidence, and anger.” ~ Steven Lubet
  5. “What scares me the most is that both the poker bot and Dropbox started out as distractions. That little voice in my head was telling me where to go, and the whole time I was telling it to shut up so I could get back to work. Sometimes that little voice knows best.” ~ Drew Houston
  6. “I’ve always had a love of cards, ever since I was a little kid. I think poker, as a system, describes the chaos of the world. Our sudden reversals, our freak streaks of fortune. The belief that the next hand can save you, and the inevitable failure of the next hand to save you. I think that describes my world view pretty well.” ~ Colson Whitehead
  7. “I believe in poker the way I believe in the American Dream. Poker is good for you. It enriches the soul, sharpens the intellect, heals the spirit, and – when played well, nourishes the wallet.” ~Lou Krieger
  8. “Poker is a combination of luck and skill. People think mastering the skill part is hard, but they’re wrong. The trick to poker is mastering the luck.” ~ Jesse May
  9. “It never hurts for potential opponents to think you’re more than a little stupid and can hardly count all the money in your hip pocket, much less hold on to it.” ~ Amarillo Slim
  10. “Poker may be a branch of psychological warfare, an art form or indeed a way of life – but it is also merely a game, in which money is simply the means of keeping score.” ~ Anthony Holden
Poker Good Luck Quotes

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