Allen Bradley Plc Slot Numbering

Allen Bradley 1747 L511: The Allen Bradley 1747-L511 is an SLC 5/01 Processor and part of the SLC 500 system. It is a small, easy-to-use processor with a wide range of applications including small process control, material handling, HAVC control, etc. It contains a PLC-5 processor-based advanced instruction set and can be stand-alone. The Allen Bradley PLC Data Address Format is used in these contexts: In the IOItemName field of an I/O Analog Data Point Tag when the tag is associated with an Allen Bradley PLC. In the IOItemName field of a I/O Digital Data Point Tag when the tag is associated with an Allen Bradley PLC. The PLC Properties object includes current device information about various possible faults, status, version, time, slot, serial number, and name. The following is an example of a successful read, where an instruction’s Result Key is myProgramDint, and the Destination Path is destination.allenStart.


Understanding the Hardware is the first step of working with Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). In this tutorial, we will be going over the entire ControlLogix platform which is the flagship product from Rockwell Automation.

ControlLogix is classified as a large control system which is typically used in plant-wide applications. This platform allows PLC Programmers to have full control over various local and remote systems. ControlLogix hardware is critical in many facilities and provides a level of flexibility, unlike any other PLCs. Furthermore, it has the most memory and fastest speed available when compared to other systems from Allen Bradley.

Allen Bradley Plc Slot Numbering Machine

In this article, we will talk about the basics you need to know: Chassis, Power Supply & 1756 Control Logix Family.

ControlLogix Chassis Hardware Components

ControlLogix is characterized by the 1756 prefix. You will find this number in front of every component which works with this system. This includes PLCs, I/O Modules, Chassis, Communication Modules and more. This is important to know as Rockwell has secondary identifiers for their devices which often confuses new Automation Engineers. The part number is different from the revision number; the part number for ControlLogix will always include “1756” as the prefix.


ControlLogix Chassis Selection

Allen Bradley Plc Slot Numbering

The Chassis is what will physically hold the modules which allow the system to interface field devices: EtherNet, ControlNet, DeviceNet, Analog Inputs, Digital Outputs, etc. The chassis can be selected based on the constraints of the system as well as the mechanical layout of the panel. However, based on my experience, it’s always best to purchase the largest chassis possible in order to leave room for future expansion. The cost difference in the different models is fairly low, so going with the 17 slot chassis is always the best option in my opinion.

The chassis for 1756 ControlLogix modules can be of following sizes:

  • 4 slot (1756-A4)
  • 7 slot (1756-A7)
  • 10 slot (1756-A10)
  • 13 slot (1756-A13)
  • 17 slot (1756-A17)

ControlLogix Power Supply Selection

A power supply will provide power to the chassis as well as the modules connected to it. ControlLogix power supplies will snap into place on the left side of the chassis and become an integral part of the PLC rack.

Here’s a breakdown of standard power supplies which should be your number one option in most cases. Do note that you need to select what’s best for your system depending on where it’s going to be used. In my experience, going with the 24VDC option is always the safe bet as factories can always provide this voltage level regardless of their location and thus you don’t need to be concerned with input voltage levels.

If you’re going to deploy a control system within an environment with extreme temperatures, it would be wise to invest in a properly rated power supply. Here are your best options for such environments:

Lastly, if the system which will be attached to this chassis requires redundancy, the following selection would be best. These systems require an uptime which is highly critical and could result in damage to the equipment or personnel in case of failure. Investing in a redundant power supply would be recommended.

ControlLogix Hardware Important Terms

Chassis Backplane

As mentioned above, the chassis will provide a connection between all the modules inserted into it. The primary goal is to send data between the PLC and other cards such as I/O, Communication modules and Specialty Modules.

The backplane, in particular, refers to the portion of the chassis which send the signals between the modules. This term is often used within RSLogix 5000 & Studio 5000 documentation as well as the software. It’s important to understand that this term will be referenced in order to identify which modules are positioned in the chassis.

Chassis Slot

As we discussed above, the chassis for the 1756 ControlLogix family will have 4, 7, 10, 13 or 17 slots. This number refers to the available spaces within the chassis. A single slot will be able to accommodate a single 1756 card. The slot numbers on the chassis will be labeled starting from 0. The same numbers will be used within the RSLogix & Studio 5000 environments as you configure which cards are positioned in which slot.

There’s no right or wrong way to position your modules within the chassis, but I would try to be consistent and group similar modules. My preferred method has been as follows:

  1. PLC cards
  2. Comm cards (EtherNet, DeviceNet, ControlNet, Sercos)
  3. DC Inputs
  4. DC Outputs
  5. Analog Inputs
  6. Analog Outputs
  7. AC Inputs
  8. AC Outputs
  9. Relay Outputs
  10. Specialty Modules


The ControlLogix family offers an excellent control system for a large application. It’s highly scalable and supports a wide variety of modules for all purposes. Some examples include high-performance PLCs, Inputs, Outputs, Analog I/O, Relay Cards, Specialty Cards (RTD, HART, High-Speed Counter, etc.), Communication (EtherNet, DeviceNet, etc.)

Understanding the hardware is important as an engineer, PLC programmer and technician. Remember that a chassis is what’s used to host your cards, the backplane is the medium over which the cards communicate and the slot refers to their position within the chassis. These terms are frequently used within the documentation as well as program configuration through RSLogix & Studio 5000.

Video Tutorial

Topic: CM015

The following information applies for Allen-Bradley PLCs for the purpose of setting up C-more Panels to do Tag-Based Messaging via EtherNet/IP as a Client. The ONLY models included for this setup are:

  • ControlLogix 1756-ENBT and 1756-ENET/B
  • CompactLogix with Built-in EtherNet/IP

Note: For additional information on the Tags used for Allen-Bradley Tag-Based protocols, click on the button below to view the Control/CompactLogix Tag Names topic.

Setup a Tag Based EtherNet/IP

To Setup a C-more Panel as a Tag Based EtherNet/IP Client to communicate with Control/CompactLogix PLCs, the first thing we need to do is match the Communication Parameter

To do this follow these steps:

  1. Open the RSLogix 5000 Start Screen shown below.
  1. This step assumes you have already configured your Ethernet Port/Module. If you have not, refer to your Allen-Bradley documentation to assist you in doing this first.

    Right click on the EtherNet Module under the I/O Configuration indicated on the figure above and choose Properties. The Module Properties window shown below will open.

Under the General Tab in the Address/Host Name Section, the IP Address shown in the field is the IP Address you will enter in the C-more Panel Manager configuration discussed below.

Troubleshooting the PLC to Panel Connection

If your network is returning communication errors, test the basic network setup by transferring a new simple single tag C-more project with Panel Manager settings that match the PLC port settings and a single Numeric Display object addressed to a simple tag. Ensure that the PLC port settings are correct by verification with that PLC’s programming software.

Power cycle the PLC, THEN the C-more panel. If communication errors persist, power cycle the C-more panel, THEN the PLC.

C-more Panel Manager Settings

  1. To Open the C-more Panel Manager, from the Main Menu of the C-more Programming Software, select Setup. The drop-down menu shown below opens.
  1. From the Setup drop-down menu, select the Panel Manager selection. The Panel Manager window opens by default displaying Panel Settings. From this window, click on the DEV001 selection on the tree to the left of the window as shown below.

When the DEV001 Icon is selected, the right portion of the window will change to display the Device Setup screen for DEV001.

  1. From the PLC Protocol field, click on the down arrow and select the Allen-Bradley EtherNet/IP Client Tag-Based (Control/CompactLogix) selection. Any time you select a different PLC Protocol than the one already displayed, the Warning Message shown below will pop up.
  1. Click Yes to accept and the Fields for the selected Protocol will be displayed as shown on the figure below.

Configure the C-more Panel Manager

The C-more Panel Manager Configuration fields for the Allen-Bradley EtherNet/IP Client Tag-Based protocol for Control/CompactLogix are shown above.

The parameter values in C-more MUST match the parameter values on the RSLogix5000 setup explained above on this topic.

The parameters available are:

  1. IP Address: Enter the IP Address of the PLC you are targeting.
  2. Port (0-65535): This is the TCP Port number that you are targeting. NOTE: If you are on the same local network as the Allen-Bradley PLC, you should always use 44818 as the number. Only use a different number if trying to go through a router or if instructed so by your local Network Administrator.
  3. CPU Slot Number (0 – 247): This is the slot number that the ControlLogix CPU resides in.
  4. Connection Options: The Connection Path is made up of 4 segments. Depending on the PLC, the Port used and the Version, different segments may be excluded from the Connection Path. Connection Path: 01 00 20 02 24 01 2c 01.

    01 00

    - Port Segment: Port 1 and slot 0.
    - The Port number is the path to the backplane and is always fixed at 1.
    - The Slot number is the physical slot number of the CPU. It is the same as the CPU Slot Number field in the C-more Panel Manager settings. The range is 0-247.

    20 02
    - Class Segment (20):2 = Message Router

    24 01
    - Instance Segment (24): Instance 1

    2c 01
    - Connection Point Segment (2c): Connection Point 1

    The Connection Options selection is provided due to changes over time in the Allen-Bradley Control/Compact Logix Connection Path.
    1 - Default: This selection will work with most connections. The Connection Path excludes the Connection Point Segment and is 01 00 20 02 24 01.
    2 - L8xE Built-in Ethernet Port: This selection accommodates the L8xE series PLC built-in Ethernet Port. The Connection Path excludes the Port segment and is 20 02 24 01.
    3 - AB Version 14 or earlier: Allen-Bradley PLC version 14 and earlier use the full Connection Path, 01 00 20 02 24 01 2c 01.
  5. Retries: This is the number of times that the Panel will Retry to send a message if the request does not receive a reply in the specified Timeout period. Once the retry count has been reached, the Panel will show an error on the screen and begin trying to send messages again.
  6. Connection Timeout: This is the amount of Time (in seconds) that the Panel will wait upon a reply when trying to initiate a TCP connection before it will Retry again.
  7. Inactivity Timeout: This value is sent to the PLC. The PLC will hold an open connection for this amount of Time. Once this Time value has expired, it will release its connection to free up resources for the PLC. If this Timer expires, the panel will automatically create a new connection when it is ready to request data again. This value should only need adjustment if many devices are communicating to the PLC and there are situations where there are long delays in requests from the Panel to the PLC (long Poll Times, screens with only internal objects, etc.).
  8. Response Timeout: This is the amount of Time (in milliseconds) that the Panel will wait on a Reply after sending a request. Once the Response Timeout Timer expires, it will then Retry.
  9. Poll Time: This is the Time (in milliseconds) that the Panel will wait in between each message that it sends to a configured device (after the device responds). If this field is set to '0', the Panel will Poll as fast as its resources and the selected protocol will allow.

Allen Bradley Plc Slot Numbering Tool

Allen Bradley Plc Slot Numbering

Allen Bradley Plc Slot Numbering Chart

Connection Through Another Panel Option

In addition to providing the fields to configure the Protocol for the PLCs supported by C-more Panels, the C-more Software's Panel Manager provides an option to Connect Through Another Panel. The Connection Through Another Panel selection allows you to connect a C-more Panel to other C-more Panels on your network via an Ethernet connection. This type of connection is also known as a Pass Through Connection.

Allen Bradley Plc Port Number

To learn more about Pass Through and using the Connection Through Another Panel option, click on the button below: